To be sold on the premises known as:

558 Mechanic Street (Route 31) FITCHBURG, MA

Town & county records indicate property consists of (2) parcels:

1) – The 1st parcel (Assessor’s Lot ID 170/13/0) is a 1.24+/- acre lot, classified as auto repair, w/ paved parking & approx. 370+/- Ft. frontage on Mechanic St. (Rte. 31) & Rindge Rd., improved by an 11,504+/- SF, 1-story, wood frame & concrete block bldg., having 2 restrooms & gas-fired unit heaters, &

2) – The 2nd parcel (Assessor’s Lot ID 170/13/1) is a 3.89+/- acre vacant commercial lot, abutting the northerly boundary of the above lot, w/ approx. 290+/- Ft. frontage on Rindge Rd.

The property is situated on the westerly side of a major traffic circle (being the intersection of Mechanic St. (Rte. 31), John Fitch Hwy., Ashby State Rd. (Rte. 31) & Rindge Rd.) about a mile from the center of Fitchburg w/ nearby access to Rtes. 12, 2A, & 2.
